Role Models, Female Role Models, Awareness, Industry, • 15/06/2023 Careers with Computer Science: Aerospace Engineer at NASA Previous Careers with Computer Science: Software Engineer at MBARI Next Experimenting with Technology | Morgan Stanley You Might Also Like STEM in 10: Firefighting and how to protect a network What is creativity? (with Ne-Yo, Gabourey Sidibe, Drew Houston) Computing Science N5. #ChooseComputingScience Edinburgh Napier School of Computing ChooseComputingScience
Role Models, Female Role Models, Awareness, Industry, • 15/06/2023 Careers with Computer Science: Aerospace Engineer at NASA Previous Careers with Computer Science: Software Engineer at MBARI Next Experimenting with Technology | Morgan Stanley You Might Also Like STEM in 10: Firefighting and how to protect a network What is creativity? (with Ne-Yo, Gabourey Sidibe, Drew Houston) Computing Science N5. #ChooseComputingScience Edinburgh Napier School of Computing ChooseComputingScience