
Welcome to Choose Computing Science! Below are some commonly asked questions to help you navigate our platform:

  • Yes. If you scroll down to the bottom of the website you can sign up to our newsletter about Computing Science and tech specific opportunities for young people in Scotland. This will include competitions, events etc.

  • We are sorry to hear the opportunity isn’t available at school level. We are aware that Computing Science isn’t yet taught in every secondary school in Scotland. National 5 and Higher Computing Science is offered at some colleges, so it is definitely worth reaching out to your local college. For Higher Computing Science there is also a fantastic initiative called RGC Online where pupils can study Higher Computing Science online.

  • This is great to hear! Yes. If you go to the events and resource page you will find suggestions for books, coding websites, competitions etc. that may be of interest. We will keep this up to date for you.

  • Yes. We have pulled together all the colleges, universities and apprenticeships that offer Computing Science courses in Scotland and links directly to their courses.

  • There are so many that impact across different sectors from fashion, health, beauty, cyber, finance and more. We have pulled together a list of some of the careers in the tech sector, which you can view on our careers page.

  • Yes. We are keen to have a bank of as many jobs as we can think of in tech. Please feel free to message us via our contact us page.

  • Yes! Please reach out to us through our contact page. We’d love to hear from you.

  • Yes! We’d love to hear from you, please send the details over through our contact us page.
