Tooling Specialist Toni Scullion Tooling Specialist Toni Scullion

Tech team's go-to person for making sure they have the best tools to work effectively and get the job done. Be a Tooling Specialist.

A Tooling Specialist in the tech sector is like being a problem-solving expert. You create and maintain special tools and software that help tech teams work more efficiently. It's a bit like being a tech handyman, making sure everyone has the right tools to get their jobs done. Find out more

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Cloud Engineer Toni Scullion Cloud Engineer Toni Scullion

Ensure our digital things are secure and accessible, like making sure all our online stuff runs smoothly. Be a Cloud Engineer.

A Cloud Engineer in the tech sector is like being a digital sky builder. You create and manage the internet's "cloud," which is a fancy word for where all our digital stuff, like photos and apps, is stored. It's like making sure the sky stays clear so we can access our things from anywhere. Find out more

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