Functional Specialist Toni Scullion Functional Specialist Toni Scullion

Be the expert in your tech field, making sure that specific part of technology works brilliantly. Be a Functional Specialist.

A Functional Specialist in the tech sector is like being a tech expert in a specific area. You focus on one particular part of a technology, like making sure a computer program does a specific job really well. It's like being the champion of that one thing, making sure it works perfectly. Find out more

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Agile Coach Toni Scullion Agile Coach Toni Scullion

Make sure everyone is on the same page and doing their best work. It's all about teamwork and making sure tech projects run smoothly! Be an Agile Coach.

An Agile Coach in the tech sector is like being a sports coach for a tech team. You help the team work together smoothly and play their best game when creating software or digital stuff. It's like a mentor who guides everyone to be faster, smarter, and more efficient. Find out more

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Quality Assurance Tester Toni Scullion Quality Assurance Tester Toni Scullion

Make sure games are super fun and glitch-free. It's all about keeping tech trouble-free and enjoyable! Be a Quality Assurance Tester.

A Quality Assurance Tester in the tech sector is like being a digital detective who hunts for mistakes in apps and games. You play with software to find bugs, like when a game freezes or an app crashes. Your mission is to make sure everything works perfectly before people get to use it. Find out more

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Computing Science teacher Toni Scullion Computing Science teacher Toni Scullion

Help inspire the next generation. Be a Computing Science teacher.

A computing science teacher in the tech sector is like being a guide to the world of computers, and it's a chance to make a real difference. You teach students about the magic of coding, how computers work, and how to create amazing stuff with them, like apps and games. It's not just about computers; it's about empowering young people with the skills to change the world with technology. Find out more

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