SFX Engineer, Sound Effects Engineer Toni Scullion SFX Engineer, Sound Effects Engineer Toni Scullion

Make things look amazing. It's all about adding a touch of magic and excitement to the world of entertainment! Be a SFX (Special Effects) Engineer.

A SFX (Special Effects) Engineer in the tech sector is like being a wizard of cool effects. You create awesome explosions, futuristic gadgets, and magical scenes in movies, games, and TV shows. It's like using technology to make incredible things happen on screen! Find out more

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Lighting Designer and Engineer Toni Scullion Lighting Designer and Engineer Toni Scullion

Make places look fantastic with special lighting. It's all about adding a touch of magic to the world with light! Be a Lighting Designer and Engineer.

A Lighting Designer and Engineer in the tech sector is like being a magician of light. You create amazing lighting effects for things like concerts, movies, and even fancy buildings. It's all about using technology to make places and events look super cool and exciting. Find out more

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Storyboard Creator Toni Scullion Storyboard Creator Toni Scullion

Draw out exciting game adventures. It's all about turning ideas into pictures and making cool stories come to life! Be a Storyboard Creator.

A Storyboard Creator in the tech sector is like being a visual storyteller. You draw or create pictures that tell a story, like a comic book, but it's a plan for making movies, video games, or animations. Think of it as sketching out the scenes to show what happens in a fun adventure. Find out more

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Prosthetics Designer Toni Scullion Prosthetics Designer Toni Scullion

Using technology to create prosthetic limbs that empower people and improve their quality of life. Be a Prosthetics designer.

A Prosthetics Designer in the tech sector is like being a superhero who creates special tools to help people. You design and build artificial body parts, like super cool robot arms and legs, to make life better for those who need them. It's kind of like building amazing, custom-made gadgets that can help people do things they might find a bit tricky. Find out more

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VR Developer, Virtual Reality Developer Toni Scullion VR Developer, Virtual Reality Developer Toni Scullion

Create captivating VR adventures. It's all about using technology to transport people to incredible, virtual worlds! Be a VR Developer.

A VR (Virtual Reality) developer in the tech sector is like being a digital creator who builds amazing and immersive worlds. You use computer skills to craft interactive and exciting places that people can explore using special VR goggles. It's like being a digital architect, designing virtual environments for incredible adventures without leaving your room! Find out more

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Augmented Reality Designer Toni Scullion Augmented Reality Designer Toni Scullion

It's all about making your everyday world more exciting and interactive using technology! Be an Augmented Reality Designer.

A job as an Augmented Reality (AR) Designer in the tech sector is like creating magical digital experiences. You know how in some games or apps, you can see things in the real world with extra fun and information added on your phone or glasses? That's thanks to AR designers. They make the cool graphics and animations that mix with what you see in the real world. Find out more

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Level Designer Toni Scullion Level Designer Toni Scullion

Dream up and create the places where the action happens in video games! Be a Level Designer.

You get to create and build the exciting and challenging places where video game characters go on adventures. It's kind of like designing a fun puzzle or a maze where players can explore, solve problems, and have a great time. You use computer tools to bring these game worlds to life and make sure they're super cool and enjoyable for players. It's all about crafting the places where the action happens in video games! Find out more

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